/How to Design a Relaxing Massage Therapy Logo
massage therapy logo

How to Design a Relaxing Massage Therapy Logo

“Your logo is how people recognise you, and it helps express how you’re different from your rivals – warmer, greener, stronger, and so on”, Robert Jones, professor of branding at the University of East Anglia.

In a world full of competing companies, it’s important to design a logo that stands out.

Designing a logo that compels your customer can make a monumental difference in the success of your product or service.

In you are in the business of massage therapy, you should aim to design a logo that is soothing and promotes feelings of relaxation.

Read on to discover how to design an ideal massage therapy logo.

1) Keep Your Massage Therapy Logo Simple

Getting a massage is supposed to be a relaxing and simple activity. Your logo should reflect the mood of the service you’re offering.

Don’t add to many elements to your design. Your logo should be clean and visually appealing.

2) Let Nature Be Your Guide

Flowers, plants, and birds are great additions for your massage therapy logo.

This is because nature invokes feelings of beauty, peace, and enlightenment.

The lotus seen in the dubai massage girls logo is a prime example of using flowers to invoke feelings of relaxation.

3) Consider Your Coloring

Certain colors cause people to feel certain emotions.

Cool toned colors such as green or blue make people feel serene. The color blue is said to decrease respiration and lower blood pressure.

Any shade of blue or green would be great for a massage therapy logo.

Warmer colors, such as red or orange, should be avoided as they can cause more excitement and anxiety than you want for a massage therapy logo.

4) Frame Your Fonts

Don’t forget to consider where your company name will be implemented into your logo.

You want to be sure you can include your company name with your image in a visually pleasing way.

Choose a font that’s easy to read such as Verdana or Georgia. Make sure you choose a font size that can be read from a distance.

5) Photoshop is Your Friend

If you’re a small business who is just starting out it is likely that you can’t afford to pay a graphic design professional to design your logo.

Don’t worry! If you have Photoshop and a dash of patience, you can design a message therapy logo at home.

There are many tools online that can help you understand Photoshop better, and get you started on designing your dream logo.

To Wrap Things Up…

Designing a logo for your massage therapy business should be fun. All you need to do is tap into your creativity and think about the message you’re trying to send to your customers.

Remember that when a customer views your logo you want them to feel relaxed and welcome, just as they would if they were getting a massage.

If you keep your logo simple, implement nature’s beauty, and allow Photoshop to work its magic, your message therapy logo should turn out beautifully.