/How to Establish Credibility in Therapy Web Design
therapy web design

How to Establish Credibility in Therapy Web Design

Your clients are looking for your therapy services. You’ve got the credibility to get the job done, but you’ll have to convince them.

Studies show most people do research before committing to a product or service. And since therapy is such an important tool, you’ll want clients to know you’re the right person for the job.

But with so many fake or phony sites on the web, credibility matters more than ever. Your site is more than just an ad tool — it’s for establishing your credibility as a professional.

Read on for a complete list of things you’ll need to establish credibility in therapy web design.

1. A Biography

What list of credentials would be complete without a thorough, well-written biography? After all, typing out your bio is one of the best ways to establish credibility.

The trick with creating an effective bio is balancing length and credentials. You’re going to want to show off your accomplishments and education, but if it’s too long, most users won’t read it.

Aim for a few small paragraphs, but be sure that your bio includes all of the following:

  • Name
  • Place of birth/current residence
  • Education
  • Any special awards
  • How long you’ve worked as a therapist.

Make it short but robust. And be sure to proofread before hand. An unnoticed typo is going to make audiences look at a competitor.

2. Testimonials

Of course, you can take all the time in the world to list your credentials. But audiences are still going to be skeptical, no matter how many PhDs you hold.

Make sure you include a section of your website dedicated to testimonials and customer reviews.

The psychology behind it is simple, yet fascinating. Ultimately, people trust people more than copy. And it makes sense when you think about it. You’d likely trust a friend’s recommendation over a simple advertisement you saw on TV.

So let your satisfied clients do the selling for you. It’s going to be far stronger and more meaningful than any copy you can write.

3. A Blog

Your website is only the first step. Once you’ve laid down the foundation, it’s time to fill your site with original content.

Your blog is going to be where you’ll establish most of your credibility. It’ll give your audience a chance to get to know you a bit better, and you’ll get to sell your services.

You’ll want to make sure to keep your writing light and easy to read. Break up paragraphs according to ideas, and avoid flowery language.

Write about things you care about, but find ways to tie them into your services. For instance, if you specialize in hypnotherapy, you could write a post about obtaining a hypnotherapy license.

Use this section of your site to explore your professional interests and ideas. The more you care about the subject matter, the stronger your writing will be.

4. A Speedy Site

Time is of the essence when it comes to therapy in web design. The longer your audience has to wait, the higher the chance they’ll bounce off your site.

Reduce loading times by optimizing images and loading text first. It should only take your site a few seconds to load at most.

5. A Great UI Establishes Credibility in Therapy Web Design

Finally, make sure that your website is easy to navigate. Include a search bar at the top of the page for easy navigation, and have a sitemap at the bottom.

You’re always going to want to design your site with your audience in mind. Think about how you use the internet and incorporate those ideas into your site’s UI.

Establish Credibility Through a Better Site

With these 5 tips in tow, you’ll have the know-how to make your site more credible. Of course, if you need a bit of help, we’ve got you covered.

Be sure to head over to our resources page to learn all about the tools you’ll need to succeed. From wallpapers to design tips, PSD Learning wants to help your site gain the credibility it deserves