/5 Banner Design Ideas for a Medical Business
banner design ideas

5 Banner Design Ideas for a Medical Business

Banner ads from websites are still one of the most effective ways to advertise, no matter what business you’re in.

In fact, banner ad revenue will likely grow at around 7% compound annual growth rate by the end of 2017.

If you want to get the most out of banner ads, you’ll have to come up with some unique banner design ideas that will catch your customer’s eye. We’re here to help with five ideas that will get you started creating an attractive and lucrative banner ad campaign.

Build Brand Awareness

Although there are many important aspects of a successful banner ad, you need to make sure your company logo draws your customer’s attention. The call to action is what brings users to your website, but the logo is what tells them who you are.

Create a catchy logo and make sure your banner ad highlights your company to keep customers coming back. Even if they don’t click, if they saw the company there’s a chance they’ll come back.


As time goes on, internet users are ignoring online ads at higher rates. Even if you have fantastic banner design ideas of your own, it’s harder than ever to catch a potential customer’s eye with a banner ad.

Using animation can help a medical company differentiate from the rest of the banner ads. Animations are far more effective than plain banner ads, so try to incorporate these where you can.

Choose Your Color Wisely

Color is a critical element in any design, but this is even more essential when it comes to the medical field.

Colors evoke different emotions in the viewer. Many companies in the healthcare industry, such as Steinberg Urology, use blue to calm potential client’s fears that are often associated with medical procedures.

Blend Effectively

With people ignoring online ads at higher rates, you have to stand out on the page. If you don’t people will continue reading their desired article and won’t even see what you’re advertising.

Many companies overreact to this fact and try to stand out too much. In fact, this can have the opposite effect on viewers. Users don’t like having ads shoved in their face, and you’ll lose the trust of potential customers or clients by failing to blend into your target webpage.

Use Images

Images aren’t always necessary in banner ads, but those advertising in the medical industry will want to use them more than others.

A photo of a doctor or a nurse tells the viewer what you’re advertising before they ever have to read your copy. For medical advertising, using stock photos will help immensely.

Banner Design Ideas

Creating an effective banner advertisement takes multiple elements. You have to make sure your design is enticing, and your call to action brings people to your site.

More than anything, your design has to be visually appealing. You have to stand out, but don’t be so loud that your ad jumps off the page and creates distrust in your potential customers.

For more helpful design tips for all industries, take a look at our blog!