/3 Unique Marketing Tips for Your Military Surplus Store
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3 Unique Marketing Tips for Your Military Surplus Store

Owning and managing a military surplus store is hard, time-consuming work. With inventory, customer service, training employees, stocking shelves, and payroll, there’s hardly time for what matters most.

No, we’re not talking about R&R. We’re talking about marketing your store.
Perhaps you balked at the thought of yourself as a marketer, but hold on just a moment. Small business, yes, even military stores, need to make the most of marketing.

Without proper marketing techniques, the world may not even know your military surplus store exists. So step up solider, because we’re about to help you with three ways to market your store.

1. Your Store Is So Much More Than A Physical Location

The days of traditional brick and mortar stores are pretty much over. Tons of businesses, especially smaller businesses, are shuttering their doors due to the boom of eCommerce.

It’s critical that you learn from their mistakes and stop thinking of your store as just a location. You need to be so much more than that in today’s world.

You need a website that tells users what you have and where they can find you, as well as a way for them to buy said content. If you haven’t already, consider how you can implement eCommerce into your business plan.

Many business owners mistakenly think that online stores are a waste of time. But the statistics don’t lie, customers want to shop online. So give them what they want and offer your great products anytime, anywhere with a web store.

2. Stand Out From The Competition

Perhaps this tip sounds like it’s easier said than done. After all, if it was such a great idea, why are there so many businesses trying to copy the biggest companies?

Military equipment may focus on uniformity and patterns, that doesn’t mean it’s the best strategy for your business. You’ll need to establish what makes your store unique.

Say a customer walks into your store. Why should he or she buy from you instead of your competitor? You need to offer them unique items and experiences that others can’t.

3. Balance Your Content

You’re a store owner, but did you also know that you’re a content creator? Whether you create videos, blog posts, or even just Facebook updates, you have the ability to supply the internet with great content about your brand.

You may not feel like a creative person, but that shouldn’t stop you from using content to your advantage. SEO, or search engine optimization, is predicated on great content.

If you want eyes on your business, you’ll have to play by Google’s rules. So brush up on your content creation standards and start creating content.

Make sure it’s relevant to your audience and their interests. You can even write about products in your store. If you sell Challenge Coins, give them a plug and let your audience know why they should buy them.

Your content is your stage. Make sure you have something to say.

Final Thoughts On Marketing A Military Surplus Store

Perhaps marketing is a bit trickier than believed. But you’re more than capable of crafting a great strategy to skyrocket your business to the top.

For more great tips and tricks, including info on design, be sure to keep checking PSDLearning. We have all the resources and know-how you’ll need to survive today’s digital battlefield.