/7 Blog Ideas for Your Interior Design Website
Blog ideas

7 Blog Ideas for Your Interior Design Website

Developing an interior design blog? Ready to start writing and gain new readers?

Starting an interior design blog can be rewarding. But it can be difficult to keep coming up with new blog post ideas. Luckily, if you keep a few basic post types in mind, you’ll have fresh ideas week after week.

We’ve come up with a list of some of the best blog ideas for your interior design website. Use them and you’ll never run out of content.

1. The How-To Post

One type of post crucial to a great interior design blog is the “how-to”. These posts take readers a step-by-step look through any project, big or small.

Whatever design ideas you think your readers would love to learn, quality how-to posts are irresistible to readers. For a quick example, check out some of the posts of Pure Alchemy Design.

2. Free Resources Post

People love free stuff. A great way to get the attention of your audience is with a giveaway.

For example, consider making a comprehensive list of other great blogs you follow. That way, readers can see where you get your inspiration. They may even find some themselves.

By providing value in a post, you’ll gain the trust of readers and build a strong and lasting relationship with them.

3. Top Tips Post

A “top tips post” or a “list post” can be hard to resist. These posts are very shareable and can offer a lot of value to readers. What are the top 5 or 10 things your reader needs to know about a certain project?

Unlike a how-to post, you don’t have to write in a linear fashion. Simply give reader your the best tips for doing a project the most effective way.

4. Profile a Current Project

If you have a project you’re currently working on, it can make a great topic for a blog post. Tell your readers what you’re working on and list any successes or failures you’ve faced during the project.

Also, keep in mind that a few stunning photos can really help a post shine. Consider adding high-quality pictures to give your readers an inside peek into your project.

5. Individual Profile or Interview

Another great idea for your interior design blog is an interview with an influencer in your niche. An insightful interview with a client or a local contractor can give your readers tips even you hadn’t thought of.

Whether it’s a person you know or a successful person (or both), interviews make for great blog post fodder.

6. Inspirational Post

Even the best interior designer can get discouraged. Your readers will benefit from just a little bit of motivation. And you will too.

Share a story of accomplishing a difficult project. Discuss a project undertaken by a friend. A well-told story can give your readers the motivation they need to keep going.

7. A Failure Post

Don’t be afraid to share your design failures as well. Not everything goes as planned. If you have a great failure story, tell your readers. Don’t try to hide it.

A failure post can encourage your readers while also helping them learn what not to do.

Blog Ideas For Interior Design

If you keep these post ideas in mind, you may find that you have more topics than time to write about them. Not the worst of problems, don’t you think?

Looking for more website tips and blog ideas? Check out the Web Design section on PSD Learning for more great advice.