/5 Amazing Photoshop Tips for Real Estate Photo Editing
real estate photo editing

5 Amazing Photoshop Tips for Real Estate Photo Editing

According to the National Association of Realtors, 51% of home buyers find their property online.

When they’re scrolling through options, great pictures make certain houses stand out from the rest. That’s why photos are so important in real estate.

Read on for our top tips on real estate photo editing and learn how to make a great first impression.

How to do Great Real Estate Photo Editing

1. Add Personal Touches

When people look at photos of a home, they need to be able to imagine themselves living in that space. This means showing it without clutter.

However, completely empty rooms can look cold and unwelcoming. Use personal touches like flowers, pictures, or maybe even food on counters. These small things get the viewer thinking about how they could use the space.

When editing, frame the shots so these objects aren’t the main focus, but appear subtly off to the side, in the background, or perhaps slightly out of focus.

2. Use the Light

Before you adjust the exposure, you should correct the lighting.

When using wide lenses, it’s common to find that the corners of the photo are slightly darkened. This can be fixed using a ‘vignetting’ tool. Then, correct the exposure in areas that are too bright or too dark to make the overall shot more pleasing to the eye.

Ideally, you should take control of the lighting before the editing stage, when you’re taking the photo. When photographing interiors, turn on all lights to create warmth and ambiance.

If you need to use flash, bounce it off ceilings or walls rather than pointing it directly into the space you’re shooting.

3. Clean Up the Shot

Inspect every shot closely and edit out any dust spots, smears on windows, or anything else that makes the photo look untidy. You can do this by using ‘spot brush’ or blending tools.

Also, make sure to remove any glare or reflections of you in, windows and mirrors or on other surfaces. They make the photo look less professional.

Finally, adjust the clarity and sharpness to make it look crisp and sleek. This is a must for real estate photo editing.

4. Correct the Color

Adjust the ‘temperature’ of the colors to make rooms feel warmer. Be careful not to oversaturate, though. It can make photos appear fake.

If you’re going for a classy black and white style, read our post on how to create flawless black and white pictures.

5. Focus on Key Features

Highlight the selling points of the property by identifying key features of the property. For example, if the owners have recently hired a bathroom remodeling contractor to spruce up the bathroom, you could take a series of shots to show it off.

Create Photos that Sell Property

As well as great real estate photo editing, you need a well-designed website to show it off.

The perfect real estate site should be intuitive and easy to use with great content.

To find out how to put one together, see our post on deciding on a creative design for your real estate site.