/4 Web Design Tips to Help You Showcase Your Photography Services
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4 Web Design Tips to Help You Showcase Your Photography Services

You’ve finally decided to open up your own photography studio, which will allow you to turn a part-time passion into a full-time job.

You’ve taken tons of courses, you’ve set up a killer social media page, and you’ve even got a few first clients booked up to help you to create your portfolio.

All that’s left to do now?

Create the perfect website to advertise your photography services to the world wide web.

There’s just one problem:

When it comes to website design, you have absolutely no clue what you’re doing. Don’t sweat it — read this post instead. In it, we’ll tell you everything you need to know about how to create a gorgeous, creative, and engaging web design.

We’ll also tell you where you can look to ensure that you’re always in on the latest design announcements and trends — so that you’ll remain several steps ahead of the competition.

1. Let Your Photos Speak For Themselves

You likely know from firsthand experience just what a turnoff a busy, overly bright, and all over the place design scheme can be.

We know that it can be tempting to want to show your website visitors everything you can do on your homepage. You might think that hitting them over the head with autoplay videos, endless slideshows of your photos, or simply dozens of smaller photos crammed onto your site will help to reel potential clients in.

In reality, it will do nothing but push people away from hiring your photography services.

In the photo industry, simplicity and minimalism are the two main ingredients of quality website design.


First of all, it expresses a confidence in your services. You don’t need to rely on sensory overload in order to get potential clients to convert on your site. Additionally, minimalist formats will encourage visitors to stay on your website for longer.

This, in turn, will help you to rise in the search engine rankings, in addition to letting people get to know more about your brand in a natural, engaging way that doesn’t reek of desperation.

Choose two or three medium-sized images (keeping in mind that large images can slow down your site speed) and let them speak volumes about the kind of work you do.

Think clean lines, a maximum of four different colors, classic fonts, and lots of white space.

2. Try Out Animated Graphics To Boost Your Branding

If video content ruled the roost in 2017, 2018 will be the year of animated graphics.

Not only is this a great way to keep your customers guessing, but it’s also a web design technique that will make it clear exactly the kinds of services you have to offer.

For example, why not animate the lettering of your company name on the homepage of your website? If you have an “i” in your name, you could make a tiny camera appear over the base of the “i,” and then snap a picture, having the “flash” leave the tiny dot over the letter.

Or, you could use animated graphics to show several different types of people posing for pictures on your services page, to make it clear the kinds of occasions you can help people to commemorate.

Animated graphics are an awesome special effect that will engage even the pickiest of potential clients.

3. Keep Navigation Intuitive

Have you ever clicked on a website whose services or products looked promising, only to be completely turned off by how much time you have to spend trying to find the specific internal pages you need?

If so, you’re not alone. In fact, poor navigation is one of the top reasons why people leave a website. If you want people not only to stay on your site, but actually book your services, you need to keep your website easy to use.

For an example of clear, intuitive design, let’s take a look at the website https://cignoloans.com.au/.

The centralized box immediately draws the visitors eyes towards the loan meter, and the varying dollar increments on the meter make it clear that the visitor can simply click and drag until they hit the amount they need.

Additionally, the “apply now” button is clear, and the homepage contains additional information about the application process, their approval rate, and much more.

In short, it’s a one-stop-shopping center for the most crucial information.

So, how can you translate this successful design to work for your photography services?

Each of those two to three central photographs that you’re going to feature on your homepage? They should each be clickable and related to a specific service you offer.

For example, one photograph could show a wedding photograph, the other could show a graduation portrait, and the third one could be a glamorous pet maternity photoshoot (yes, that’s a thing.)

This makes it simple for site visitors to quickly find exactly what they’re looking for.

4. Ensure Your Photography Site Is Mobile-Friendly

Think mobile-friendliness doesn’t matter?

Think again.

These days, not only has mobile Internet usage far surpassed desktop usage, but over 70% of consumers say they expect the websites they use to be mobile-friendly.

Your photography services website is certainly no exception. After all, even the most beautiful web design in the world isn’t worth its salt if no one can access your site to see it.

To keep things mobile-friendly, remove “heavy” (AKA “large”) images, set your input and image widths to 100%, (to avoid having your stunning photos blur) and steer clear of fixed positioning.

Boost The Traffic To Your Photography Services Website With These Design Tips

Thanks to this post, you now know just a little bit about what it takes to create a web design scheme that will paint your photography services in the best possible light.

But what else do you need to know to ensure that your site has a high uptime, ranks on the first page of search engine results, and above all, keeps your visitors happy and engaged?

There’s a lot more to learn — and we’re here to help.

Check out our website and blog for tips on photo effects, graphic design advice, and much more. Make 2018 the year you finally create the kind of website your photography business deserves.