With so many security companies, how do you stand out from the pack?
Americans are spending more money on security systems each year, so business should be booming.
Frequently, though, it comes down to having a security logo that will catch your customer’s eye and stand out from the pack. Ahead, we’ll discuss some logo design techniques to take your logo to the next level.
Color Selection
Color is an essential element when it comes to logo design. Different colors evoke different emotions, and you can play on these emotions with your logo color.
Blue is one of the most common selections in security logo. This color usually has a calming effect, which can symbolize your companies dedication to keeping your customers safe.
On the other hand, red logos are more aggressive and can symbolize a threat. If your company is more focused on financial security, you might want to choose green for obvious reasons.
Avoid the Obvious
If you want to stand out from the pack, you’ll want to avoid the security logo clich?s. Shields, locks, and buglers are going to put you in the middle of a crowded space, so try to find something more unique.
Try to tell your company’s story with your logo design. If you sell a product like GW security cameras, try to give potential customers an idea of what company they’re seeing without digging too deep.
Keep your logo straightforward, but try to avoid falling into the clich? trap that’s prevalent with security logos.
Incorporate Shapes
Shapes are a fantastic tool when it comes to logo design, especially if you’re in the security business.
Shapes give people implicit structure when they see them. Triangles, boxes, and circles all dictate security when people see them. This tactic will enable you to step away from the competition while keeping your company’s objective clear.
Stay Minimalistic
This tip isn’t limited to creating a security logo. All companies can benefit from keeping their logo as simple as they can.
Try to limit your colors to one or two, and don’t add excessive words or designs to your logo. A simple logo has a better chance of sticking in the viewer’s head. If it’s too complex, they might disregard it entirely.
Use Capital Letters
Capital letters are hit-or-miss depending on the industry, but they’re a must-have if your selling security to your customers. Recent studies show that customers are more likely to remember a brand name that uses capital letters.
Although there is still some debate on this front, capital letters signify strength. This feeling is critical for potential customers if you’re in the security industry.
Designing a Security Logo
Security logos need special consideration when compared to other types of logos. You need to create a feeling of safety and security for potential customers. You may even decide to evoke a more threatening message with your logo – showing you’ll stop the bad guys from getting in.
Regardless of what feeling you’re going for, follow these pieces of advice to help your logo stand out from the pack.
Take a look at our resource page for more helpful tips on developing logos for any types of businesses.