/8 Pro Tips to Designing the Perfect Product Detail Page for Your eCommerce Website
product detail page

8 Pro Tips to Designing the Perfect Product Detail Page for Your eCommerce Website

The eCommerce space has exploded in the last decade with online purchases accounting for 10% of total retail sales.

That number is continuing to grow while brick-and-mortar sales are starting to feel the squeeze.

That’s good news for your website and the products you sell through it but the bad news is that increased demand online has led to increased competition. With eCommerce giants like Amazon raking in billions of dollars worth of revenue, your website needs to seriously step up its awesomeness if you’re hoping to coax the online world to buy from you.

To that end, one of the most integral things you can focus on is making a killer product detail page.

Your product detail page is the last thing your customers will see before deciding whether or not to buy from you. Below, we go over 8 things every successful detail page has in common.

1. Awesome Product Images

Visuals are the single most important factor when it comes to influencing somebody to buy your product. Don’t believe us?

Think what would be more compelling to you… Paragraphs of text describing a product or breathtaking images showing you how great the product is?

If you’re like most people, you’d definitely prefer the visual sell.

Successful product detail pages use different kinds of images to influence consumers to buy. They use 360 photos which showcase their product at all angles, in-context photos that show their product in action and other unique, dramatic photos that capture consumer’s attention.

Bottom line… If you want to step up your online sales game, start by investing in high-quality imagery.

2. Outstanding Product Descriptions

Once people push past the visuals of your product, they’re now going to want to see brief and enticing writing that tells them a little bit about what they’re looking at.

Remember, consumers have attention spans shorter than a goldfish! Because of that, you’ll want to keep descriptions tight and compelling.

We recommend opening your product description with 3 to 4 sentences describing your product and then sharing 5 “benefit bullet points” that can quickly communicate what your customer will get from the product you’re selling them.

3. Video Demo

Video is big business in today’s digital world. People are watching billions of hours every day across platforms like YouTube, Facebook, Twitter and more.

To ride that wave of video-love, try showcasing your product via video on your detail page. Make the video concise, dramatic, and shareable!

4. Prominent Price Tag

Don’t be that brand that hides its prices from consumers. While this used to be a common marketing tactic leveraged by snooty companies, given the amount of buying choices people have today, consumers have no patience for it anymore.

Instead, feature your product’s price tag prominently. When you do, you declare to buyers that you’re confident in your product’s pricing and feel that what you’re selling is 100% worth what you’re asking for.

That implied confidence will be contagious and will help grease the wheels for your making a sale.

5. An Even More Prominent Call to Action

There’s no element more important on web pages than a call to action. Call to actions tell consumers what you’d like them to do next. That could include joining your mailing list, sharing something or in this case, buying your product.

The more prominent your “Add to Cart” or “Buy Now” button is, the better.

Don’t hide your call to action at the bottom of your product detail page. Have it situated near the top and at the bottom to ensure that the moment your consumer feels compelled to buy, they’ll be able to.

6. Shipping Information

Online consumers know that when they’re not buying from Amazon there’s probably going to be some shipping charges attached to their online purchase.

If you’re an online boutique that offers free shipping, shout that out not only on your product pages but on a banner at the top of your website. If you have shipping charges attached to your orders, make sure that consumers can find that information somewhere within your product’s details.

There’s nothing more annoying than getting to the end of a checkout process and finding that you’ll need to spend $10.00+ on shipping/handling. In some cases, this annoyance can be so great that consumers will never shop with you again.

7. Product Reviews

Word of mouth is the most powerful motivator when it comes to buying things. With online products, the word of mouth medium most shoppers look for are reviews.

Be sure to feature your product reviews at the bottom of your product page.

If they’re good, they’ll drive up sales. If they’re bad, they’ll hurt sales but once you incorporate buyer’s feedback, you can be sure reviews will go up again and your product will be better for it!

8. Related Products

Chances are, if you haven’t convinced your customer to make a purchase by the time they get to bottom of your product page, the product isn’t for them. Rather than having them click away and go somewhere else, have some additional product suggestions that you think they might like instead.

Suggesting related products to customers is a great way to salvage a potentially lost sale.

Wrapping Up How to Design a Product Detail Page for Your eCommerce Website

From being transparent with pricing to leaning heavily on incredible imagery, there is no shortage of strong additions you can make to your product detail page to drive up sales on your eCommerce site.

Our recommendation is to include every element we’ve listed above. If you do, you’ll notice that your sales will start to trickle up and eventually skyrocket!

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